RSD - Nothing Left To Chance

Whether you call it Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome or Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome - it's still a hideous soul-sucking disease.


Important Research Info

Celgene Corporation has just enrolled its 100th patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in its national Lenalidomide research study. This study is very important to the CRPS community. If this study is completed and recruits 180 patients, other pharmaceutical corporations might also conduct national multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

Individuals who are currently taking medication do not need to discontinue it--"Opioid analgesics, non-opioid analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anticonvulsants, antidepressant drugs and other non-drug therapies may be continued provided that the subject is on stable doses/regimens for at least four weeks prior to the start of the Treatment Phase (Visit 2)."

Learn more about this study and whether a study site is near you:

More information:


Precious Petal Pushers

Precious Petal Pushers, an on-line site that sells greeting cards, is donating 10% of its profits to RSDSA.

To view their offerings, please visit

Purchase a set of 12 beautiful cards and help with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy research and awareness.


RSD - OT & PT Exeptions


RSD has been granted an automatic exception to the limitation below.

Background: Section 4541 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) required the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to impose financial limitations or caps on outpatient physical, speech-language and occupational therapy services by all providers, other than hospital outpatient departments. The law required a combined cap for physical therapy and speech-language pathology, and a separate cap for occupational therapy. Due to a series of moratoria enacted subsequently to the BBA, the caps were only in effect in 1999 and for a few months in 2003. With the expiration of the most recent moratorium, the caps were reinstated on January 1, 2006 at $1,740 for each cap.


New York (Manhattan) Drug Treatment Trial

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)


If you have received a diagnosis of RSD or CRPS, you may be eligible to participate in a study of a potentially new treatment. To assess your study eligibility, you will be asked the following questions regarding your painful limb:
o Have you had continuing pain for at least one month?
o Have you experienced increased skin sensitivity to touch or clothing?
o Has your skin felt especially cold or especially warm?
o Has the skin color changed?
o Has there been swelling or unusual sweating?
o Has there been any impairment in the range of motion of your affected joints (e.g. fingers, wrist, ankle, foot)?
o Has there been any abnormal change in the skin, nails or hair?

For more information, please contact the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care
Beth Israel Medical Center, NY
You must be able to travel to Manhattan to participate.


RSD Conference Info - May 13, 2006 - New York

RSD, CRPS & Chronic Pain State-of-the-Art Practices and Computerized Infrared Imaging

May 13, 2006
NYU Medical Center
550 1st Ave, NY

This course is designed for physicians, dentists and allied health professionals. The cost is $125. Individuals with CRPS can attend the conference for $75.00