Fundraiser for RSDSA!
Can't find time to donate to a worthy cause?
When you search the Internet, you can earn money for the
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association!
Say good-bye to Google.
It's easy - here's how!
Enter: RSDSA in the box: "I'm supporting"
Click: "Verify"
Search the Internet from the box located above.
Each time you search, revenue is generated!
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GoodSearch is a Yahoo-powered search engine that gives 50% of its advertising revenue to the nonprofits and schools that our users choose. Use this search link and raise money for RSDSA!
RSDSA will receive a penny and every penny counts!
Please use this site honestly. Fraudulent searches will result in a charity being de-listed.
Thank you from RSD'ers all over the world!
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