RSD - Nothing Left To Chance

Whether you call it Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome or Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome - it's still a hideous soul-sucking disease.


Lyrica - New Drug Survey

Lyrica is a fairly new medication for peripheral neuropathy. RSDHope is conducting an unofficial survey of those who have taken this drug for at least 3 weeks. Please answer the following:

1) What dosage you started on and what side effects you experienced at the different dosage levels?

2) How you feel it has helped you?
For instance, has it helped decrease your pain?
Increased your sleep?
Enabled you to decrease your other medications, and if so, which ones?

3) Have you found a good time to take it in the evening? 6pm? 8 pm? 11pm?

Please send your Lyrica survey reply to:

Also, please remember the basic tenets when sharing information about medication online:
1) Never stop or start any medication you hear or read about without checking with your Doctor first.

2) Always try to have ONE Doctor prescribe all of your medications if possible, that way you are less likely to have crossover problems and/or accidental overdoses.

3) Don't buy your medication online unless you know it is from a reputable pharmacy and/or company approved by the FDA.

4) Understand that different patients will react differently to the same levels of medication. Results vary depending on body weight, other medications being taken, other diseases conditions you have known and unknown, allergies you have known and unknown, and many more things.

Bottom line? Take what you read on the Internet as a guide, share it with your Doctor and together decide on a course of action. You might be fortunate enough to find a new medication that does wonders for you! You also may learn things about the medications you are on that could save your life. But remember these are JUST observations made by fellow patients.

Thank You!

For additional information: LYRICA


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