RSD - Nothing Left To Chance

Whether you call it Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome or Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome - it's still a hideous soul-sucking disease.


Paula Abdul's use of Enbrel

A quick alert to clarify a misunderstanding regarding the use of Enbrel by Ms. Abdul her for CRPS/RSD.

Paula Abdul Takes Enbrel for Arthritis, Not for RSD

RSDSA received the following memo from Daniel J. Wallace, MD, FACP, FACP, Paula Abdul's Physician.

"Thank you for your note, but I must clear up one misunderstanding which was published and perhaps you can help our office.

First, Paula has been treated with Pamidronate for her RSDS.

Second, she is on Enbrel for an inflammatory arthritis, which is unrelated to her RSDS.

The patient has waived HIPAA rules and allowed me to explain this to you."


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