RSD - Nothing Left To Chance

Whether you call it Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome or Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome - it's still a hideous soul-sucking disease.


Medicaid Cuts

I'm forwarding a letter of thanks from Senator Bingaman's aide re: the passage of an amendment that eliminated the drastic cuts to Medicaid.

Together, we can made a difference.

Best of health.

"I think that I can speak on behalf of both Senators Smith and Bingaman on this one! THANKS to everybody and your coalitions for today’s vote of 52-48 to pass the amendment!!! It was a truly incredible effort that took place across this country and kudos to all! What an incredible moment it was!
Thanks everybody!!!"
-Bruce Lesley
Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bingaman's Bipartisan Amendment to Restore $15 Billion to Medicaid Wins Senate Approval

WASHINGTON – The Senate today approved (52-48) a provision authored by U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman and Senator Gordon Smith (R-Ore) that would eliminate billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid – the federal-state health care program that covers low-income individuals. President Bush last month unveiled his fiscal year 2006 budget proposal that contained a devastating $60 billion cut to Medicaid over the next decade. The Senate is debating a FY 2006 budget blueprint that includes eliminating $15 billion in Medicaid funding for next year. The Bingaman-Smith amendment restores the $15 billion. The amendment also sets aside $1.5 million for a bipartisan blue ribbon panel that would give a comprehensive and thorough review of what is and is not working with Medicaid and would provide ideas on how to improve service delivery and quality in the most cost-effective way possible. ``Medicaid is the most important program that pays for health care coverage in New Mexico. There are over 400,000 people in our state who depend on this program and I am pleased that the Senate today recognized the importance of ensuring that it is adequately funded," Bingaman said. Bingaman and Smith have introduced legislation in the Senate that would set up the bipartisan commission, which would have 14 months to hold public hearings, conduct its evaluations and deliberations, and issue its report and recommendations to the President, the Congress, and the public. The Medicaid Commission would be comprised of 24 members who reflect all the stakeholders and components in the Medicaid program. That measure has been sent to the Senate Finance Committee. Bingaman and Smith are both members of that committee.


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